

Publications in refereed journals

Working papers

  • “A New Approach to Evaluating the Welfare Effects of Decentralized Policies”, D.R. Agrawal, W.H. Hoyt, T. Ly, Working paper

Presented at the NBER conference on tax competition

  • “The Contrasting Effects of Ownership Incentives on New and Second-Hand Housing Prices”, S. Chareyron, T.Ly, Y.Trouvé-Sargison, Working paper
  • “The Welfare Effects of a Minimum Tax and Tax Competition”,  D.R. Agrawal, R. Parchet, T. Ly, Working paper
  • “Taxes, commuting and spillover in the metropolis”, T. Ly,  Working Paper
  • Fourniture de biens publics en présence de préférences altruistes : une approche redistributive avec sélection adverse“, T. Ly, HAL., 2014

Work in progress

  • “Competition for greener regions: environmental policy and agglomeration”, T. Ly, R. Gaté, S. Legras
  • “Sorting, tax competition and the rise of local tax heavens”, T. Ly, R. Parchet
  • “The impact of tax sharing agreements on local fiscal policy: Evidence from the Fonds des Frontaliers Luxembourgeois”, T. Ly, S. Ramboer (VATT Inst. for Economic Research)


  • Graduate Student Paper Award of the North American Regional Science Council (NARSC)
  • PhD First Prize of the French Economic Association (AFSE)

Conferences & Presentations

  • NBER Conference on Economic Impacts of Interjurisdictional Tax Competition, January 2022
  • Annual Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance, (IIPF) July 2021, online
  • 20th Journees Louis-Andrée Gérard-Varet (LAGV), June 2021, Marseille, France
  • Swiss Society of Economics and Statistics (SSES) Annual Congress, June 2021, online
  • Invited Seminar – Geographical economics, INRAE, april 2021, online
  • Workshop on Local Public Finance and Regional Economic, 2020, Berne, Switzerland
  • Annual Meeting of the National Tax Association (NTA), november 2019, Tampa, USA
  • Annual Meeting of the North American Regional Science Council (NARSC), november 2019, Pittsburgh, USA
  • Invited Seminar Cesaer, INRA october 2019, Dijon, France
  • Annual Meeting of the French Economic Association (AFSE), june 2019, Orléans, France
  • Workshop on economics of taxation and public expenditures, june 2019, Barcelona, Spain
  • Swiss workshop on local public finance and regional economics, may 2019, Lugano, Switzerland
  • Invited Seminar Università della Svizzera italiana, november 2018, Lugano, Switzerland
  • Public Economics at the Regional Level (PEARL) workshop, september 2018, Zermatt, Switzerland
  • European Public Choice Society conference, april 2018, Roma, Italia
  • “Sorting, tax competition and the rise of local tax heavens”, T. Ly, R. Parchet
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